The standard FotoFinish workgroup license allows ten or more computers to access FotoFinish on a network. For example, a 10-Seat license permits 10 different computers, (other than the server itself) to access the program.
FotoFinish keeps track of the identity of each computer that runs the program, and will not permit access to more than is specified by the license.
The list of computers that have accessed the network installation is maintained on the server and can be inspected and edited by selecting the Licenses command, under the Help menu.
The Network Administration dialog
The number of seats supported by all network licenses installed is shown at the top of the dialog, along with the number of users (computers) that have run this installation.
FotoFinish tracks the number of computers that have accessed it using the serial number of their hard disk.
If a user has run FotoFinish accidentally, or no longer needs access, you can disable their account by clicking on the user and selecting the Disabled radio button. This frees a license for use by another computer.
The counts of enabled and disabled users are updated immediately to reflect this. You can also use this technique to disable old hard disk serial numbers when computers are replaced or upgraded with new drives.
As a security measure, these changes can only be made from the computer on the network (or server) which FotoFinish is installed.